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Chest & Tricep workout of the Day

As you all I know I love to lift weights and I love to Speed rope. Speed rope beat boring ass cardio any day of the weak. I have been practicing a lot and I am really starting to get good. Today I tried out a new move called the Traveling Alternate foot step Bounce step combo. I mixed it in among my weight training.

Today's workout break down is as folllows

Chest and triceps

1000m row warm up

Superset 1x4

Chest fly x 10

AFS x100

Superset 2x5

Incline press x12

Moving AFS x4 BS x4 back 40s

Superset 3 x5

Tricep press down x15

Moving AFS x4 BS x4 back 40s

Superset 4x5

Dumbbell pull over on ball x12

Moving AFS x4 BS x4 back 40s

Superset 5x4

Tricep push ups x10

Moving AFS x4 BS x4 back 40s

GIve this workout a try. Get yourself a speed rope. It is so much fun.

Tell me what you think about the workout. I want to hear how you are doing working on your speed roping skills.


Gettin fit with Jenn


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