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Kettlebell Tabata WOD

Tabata is the ultimate in fat buring but it is not for the faint of heart. Tabata may be short but it is brutal. Grab a towel and follow along with me. Today's Tabata uses a kettlebell. You can pick up one for cheap at Marshals or on Amazon. You don't need anything fancy.

4 minutes total

20s of work 10s of rest and repeat

1.Kettlebell Halo clockwise 2.Kettlebell swings 3.Kettlebell Halo counter clockwise 4.Kettlebell swings.

5. Kettlebell Halo Clockwise

6. Kettlebell swings

7. kettlebell halo counter clockwise

8. Kettlebell swings.

Just follow along with the music and follow along with me Tabata coach on Itunes is the song you hear in the back ground. Just go to itunes and purchase if you want the music. I am not affiliated with them. I love using the music verses a time. Makes it go by so much better and I don't like watching a timer.


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